Monday, January 14, 2008

Apple is Upper Crust of Pies

The Salt Lake Tribune

In honor of National Pie Day on Jan. 23, here are 10 pie facts you might want to know:
* One out of four Americans prefers apple pie, followed by pumpkin or sweet potato (17 percent), anything chocolate (14 percent), lemon meringue (11 percent) and cherry (10 percent).
* Three out of four Americans prefer homemade pie.
* If you lined up the number of pies sold at U.S. grocery stores in one year, they would more than circle the globe.
* The wet bottom molasses pie, called shoo-fly pie, was used to attract flies from the kitchen.
* The wealthy English were known for their "Surprise Pies" from which live creatures would pop out when the pie was cut open.
* Pumpkin pie was first introduced to the holiday table at the Pilgrims' second Thanksgiving, in 1623.
* Pie was not always America's favorite dessert - in the 19th century, fruit pies were a common breakfast food eaten before the start of a long day.
- Kathy Stephenson
The Salt Lake Tribune

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